Clover Mites
Belonging to the spider mite family Tetranychidae, Clover mites are some of the smallest home invaders that you may find in or around your home. As the name implies Clover mites feed on clovers and different grasses. While clover mites love a lush growing, well fertilized lawn they have often been found by the thousand in newly established lawns. When conditions are right clover mites have been known to invade homes usually in the spring, but occasionally fall invasions can and do occur. Clover mites are small enough to crawl through almost any screen or crack. If you crush a clover mite they leave a tiny red stain.
Clover mites are usually only a temporary nuisance, showing up suddenly and leaving a few days later. If you find these mites in your home, a wet soapy rag can be used to wipe them up, but be careful not to crush them, as you will leave behind small red stains. A vacuum cleaner may also be a good tool to try. Reducing moisture is the best way to help get rid of recurring problems with clover mites. Creating a 1 to 2 foot “grass-free” area around the foundation of your home can really help to cut down the numbers of mites you may be seeing. Washing the exterior walls of your home with soapy water while the clover mites are present will suffocate and kill most mites. If you need help getting rid of clover mites around your home, please call NIX Pest Solutions today.