There are three different types of Cricket found in Michigan. The Camel, Cave, and Field cricket. While usually just a nuisance because of the chirping noise the males make while trying to find a female, they can also ruin fabric when found in large enough numbers. Crickets are attracted to your home because of the warm, moist, and safe environment it provides.
Camel or Cave cricket - These crickets are usually tan to brown in color and have a humpback appearance. With very long antennae and long legs, these crickets can oftentimes be mistaken for a spider at a passing glance. These crickets also lack auditory organs so they don't sing to communicate like other crickets, and they lack wings so they don’t chirp. These crickets may be found in your basement where it is dark, warm, and moist. If you see these critters in your home call NIX Pest Solutions today.
Field Cricket - Field crickets are a common sight throughout Michigan. As warm summer nights bring them out, the males will chirp 30 times a minute to try and attract a female. Field crickets live in the ground, tall grass, or piles of organic lawn debris. They eat a diet of animal remains and plant matter. Field crickets are a common food item for many animals. They are often brought into the home to feed pet reptiles and pet spiders. In small numbers Field crickets are not harmful, if found in large numbers they can damage clothes and furniture. Their chirping can also keep you up all night! If you find you are being bothered by these crickets, please give NIX pest solutions a call today.