Mud Daubers
Mud dauber or mud wasp is the common name for a wasp that makes its house out of mud. Mud daubers are solitary wasps meaning they do not live in colonies. However, more than one mud dauber nest may be found in some suitable environments. I have been to some homes and business’s that have 20 or more mud dauber nests on one wall alone. Typical mud dauber nest locations include sheltered sites under eaves, porch ceilings, open garages or sheds, barns, protected building walls, and attics. Mud dauber stings are very rare because they do not have a brood or queen to try and protect. Sometimes these wasps can be metallic blue, have green or yellow spots, or are all black. Ranging from .5 to 1 inch long, they are typically very skinny. Mud daubers are important insects for the environment as they are known to catch and kill spiders and other insects. If you need help with a Mud dauber situation at your home or business, please call NIX Pest Solutions to help you solve your problem today.