Hornet / Wasp Pest Control
Having trouble with hornets and wasps? Whether it’s a single nest or multiple nests please call NIX Pest Solutions to help! With the proper knowledge and equipment, we will find and remove the hive, so you don’t have to be stung! We offer several service options from treating and removing one nest, to looking over your home and removing any visible nests that can be found.
If a hornet or wasp nest is located around your home or business, they are sure to join you. While NIX pest Solutions would never try to scare you into a service program, we do understand and try to stress the fact that wasps and hornets can be very dangerous! Certain species of hornets and wasps, like the Bald-Faced Hornet can sting more than once and leave a pheromone on you to tell the rest of there crew that it is you that they want to sting! With flying speeds up to 25mph you will not outrun them, so please be careful and call a professional today!

Hymenoptera, also known as Wasps, are related to the bee and ant family. There are more than 120,000 different species of wasps found everywhere in the world except Antarctica. Out of all of those species these are the top 4 species that are native to Michigan: Yellowjackets (Vespula Species), Paper Wasps (Polistes Dominulus), Cicada Killers (Sphecius Speciosus), and Bald-Faced Hornets (Dolichovespula Maculata).
There are a few practices that can help keep Wasps from wanting to build nests around your home and yard. Regularly search and get rid of nests before they have a chance to get larger, pick up any trash, seal garbage cans, cover compost piles, position wasp deterrent plants around your home or areas that you frequent outside, remove any access to food around your home, fill in any holes in the ground, and keep your windows and doors closed.
Wasps are very aggressive and guard their nest by stinging any threat to their habitat. Unlike bees, wasps can sting their target multiple times.

Fall Season Hornet & Wasp Problems
Wasps Nesting Characteristics