Wood Cockroaches
Wood cockroaches are the only group of cockroaches that occur in Michigan that were not introduced from some other county. Wood cockroaches are usually only occasional invaders of homes and do not breed indoors. They are usually either carried in with firewood or attracted by outdoor lights. Only males are known to fly and are most troublesome during the spring mating season (May & June) when they travel in large numbers. Wood roaches may also be found in rain gutters, wood and leaf piles, and other areas where plant material accumulates and decays. Wood cockroaches feed primarily on decaying organic material. They are difficult to manage with insecticides inside the home because they originate outdoors. Using a residual product around doors, windows, electrical and plumbing outlets, will help to reduce the population found in and around your home. During May and June, it would help to leave the outside lights off at night and to make sure that all screens and doors are closed securely with all holes or damage properly repaired. Wood cockroaches are not dangerous or harmful in anyway, they do not come inside because of filth or garbage. If you are having trouble with these pesky critters and just can’t take it, give NIX Pest Solutions a call today.